Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My hair is falling out

Today as I was washing my hair it started to come out. It wasn't too bad until I used my flat iron on it after it had dried. I guess the heat in the flat iron caused the hair to really let go at the roots. Each time I used the flat iron a huge hank of hair would be left on the flat iron. I guess I was holding out hope that my hair wouldn't actually fall out.

I also have another strange malady. I have tears coming out of my eyes constantly. It is not "crying" because I am not having any emotion while it is happening. All of a sudden, I just have tears flowing from my eyes and down my cheeks. It happens about 7 or 8 times per day. I find it very strange.

Yesterday I decided that I needed to see my horses so I drove out the barn. I took my mare out to graze on some nice green grass. It was very hot and humid at the barn and after about a 1/2 hour I got so weak and dizzy that I could hardly walk. It was difficult to walk beside my horse back to the barn. I had to sit down for about a hour until I felt well enough to drive back home. Even with all of that, it was great to see Miss Mo and Capote. I got to spend some quality time with each of them. Capote (my little stallion) was very mellow. Usually he want to play rough but yesterday he stood there quietly while I brushed him and petted him. Perhaps he knows that I am not well and that he has to be careful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret! If you want to go again let me know and I will drive you out there so you dont have to drive yourself...
