Tuesday, June 30, 2009

3/4 of the way there

I just got home full of drugs and am waiting for the sickness to start. I keep telling myself only one more treatment. I haven't slept at all the last two nights. I keep waking up every hour and last night I finally got up and came down stairs because I didn't want to bother Derek. I just hate the thought of putting those nasty poisons into my body. I have got to keep reminding myself that this is the "cure".

Today is the 30th of June (Last day of the quarter for those in sales). I can't believe 3 months ago I was working with everyone to close and process orders (most of which were brought in the last 3 days of March). It was so fun and I was feeling so good about my group and about my contribution. So much can change in 3 months. I was just emailing a friend of mine telling her that the one of things I am learning from my illness is to just let things be. Control is really an just an illusion. Things will unfold in their own way and in their own time.

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