Saturday, June 6, 2009

Buzz cut

Here are the before and after pictures. You can see that my hair was really falling out badly. I was nervous to cut all my hair off. But now that it is done....I feel relieved. Derek was really nervous cutting my hair. I found it very touching. He says he likes it better than my former hair cut. Wow he must have really hated my Lesbian/Grandma hair cut. To be honest, I hated it too. I think I look just like my son Rich!!!! I am curious to see what others think that know him. Derek commented on how red my hair was at the scalp compared to on the ends. I saved some hair to compare to when my hair grows back. I heard that sometimes it grows back different. It is going to be a long time before I have long flowing hair again.


  1. WOW! You look beautiful! Just look at that smile and those eyes :-) I truly love your extreme short hair that lets your beauty shine.

  2. Sylvia said it best. Margaret, this style shows off your well-formed head and puts the focus on your beautiful face. Even after all you've experienced, you still exude amazing vitality. I think because this style is rare for a woman over 30, it does give a first impression that you are half your age.
