Thursday, June 18, 2009

Depression starting to lift

Today is Thu and for some reason I awoke today not feeling so depressed. The last two days have been dark for me. I talked to my Dad on Tue and I could do nothing but cry the entire time. I know that makes him feel very helpless and he worries about me. Yesterday was the same way. I had to make two phone calls and I cried the entire time I was talking. One of the persons was a friend so that was OK. The other call was to my insurance company and the oncology person (Jenn) that has been assigned to my case. I had worked with this same woman last time I was sick so she is very familiar with my case and has been beyond helpful to both Derek and me. I was crying to much that she suggested that I could use some psychiatric help. She is going to send me a list of people that I could speak with about this situation. I said I would like to talk with someone who deals with cancer patients and she says that should be no problem.

Today I am going to see my oncologist so he can measure my blood and probably give me some red and white blood celll stimulating factors. I can't drive so Derek is going to leave work to pick me up. I took a shower with nice smelling shower gel and then put on a beautiful summer frock and my wig. I can't deny that this hasn't been hard on my vanity. My skin is sallow, my bald head is the same color as my "fish Belly" white legs. My eye brows and eye lashes are almost gone. I look at myself and think I look like a female version of Keanu Reeves when he gets out of the incubator in the first Matrix Movie. Not a very attractive look.

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