Monday, June 29, 2009

Chemo tomorrow 6/30/09

I had a wonderful day before Chemo. My friend Kim drove over the hill to spend the afternoon with me. She brought me a wonderful album of pictures of Mo and Capote as well as some beautifully framed photos my friends at the barn had taken over the last year. Usually she is so busy training horses and teaching students, it was a luxury to spend an uninterupted afternoon with her. Plus I got to hear Kim play the piano and sing. What a wonderful voice. Next time she will bring her guitar. Thanks Kim!!

Tomorrow is treatment #3 of 4 chemo treatments. Derek is taking the week off to take care of me. This weekend we were at each other's throats all weekend. I was exceedingly crabby and annoyed by everything he did and said. I am suffering from extreme ranges of body temperature. I am hot one moment and freezing the next moment. Last night I suffered from night sweats all night long and hardly slept a wink. I did get a few good hours of sleep this morning. The chemo nurses say this is one the effects of breast cancer chemo. They said it should improve with time. I sure hope so.

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