Sunday, November 29, 2009

Getting ready for my surgery tomorrow

Today was kind of a weird day. I kept myself very busy so I didn't have to think too much about my surgery tomorrow. I went to the book store to get some books and then packed my hospital bag. I have done this so many times, I know exactly what I will need. Ear Plugs are #1 on the list. I have had so many hospital roommates that snore like long shore men. One time it was so bad that the nurses moved me to another room in the middle of the night. #2 on the list is nice smelling shower gel. The smell of the soap in the hospital just turns my stomach. I hope I don't have any male nurses. In my experience, male nurses are rough and don't have a nurturing spirit. I am sure there are exceptions but I don't like being taken care of by men.

My surgery is at 7:15 AM which will be the first surgery of the day. I picked that time so that I didn't have to go all morning without drinking and also there would be no chance of a delay. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM. I probably won't sleep tonight. Luckily my Dad sent me a really good book. It is about a woman who escaped from Warren Jeffs polygamist commune in Colorado City. This book is so strange and disturbing that I can't put it down. Who would have guessed that there are communities of women in this country that are enslaved just like in Saudi Arabia. What is even stranger is that that many voluntarily put up with such treatment.


  1. I will be thinking of you during you surgery tomorrow. Much love and prayers coming your way!

  2. Hope you are doing well, I have been thinking of you every day...
