Thursday, November 26, 2009

Baby Dream

In my dream, there appeared a very beautiful baby boy who looked to be about 10 months old. He tottered over to where I was standing and grabbed hold of my leg and looked up at me. He had big brown eyes, full lips and curly brown hair. He put up his arms to indicate he wanted me to pick him up. I picked him up and he folded his arms around my neck and hugged me. I felt a very intense love for this baby even though I knew he was not my own. Throughout my dream we were together, laughing, hugging and playing with each other. When I woke the next morning, I couldn't stop thinking about this baby.

A fews days latter it occurred to me......I wonder if I had just met my future grandchild!!


  1. Sounds like it! Such a wonderful, psychic dream Margaret. I'm so happy for you and Amy!

  2. Was this before or after you knew Amy was pregnant? What a lovely dream!!!!
