Thursday, November 5, 2009

Surgery scheduled

I saw my surgeon today to schedule my surgery. I was feeling uneasy about having this surgery right away. I still have some sort of low grade skin infection and am still very tired. To my surprise, his first available date was right before Thanksgiving. I thought if he isn't in a hurry than neither am I. Thanksgiving 2004 I was so sick from the chemotherapy and radiation that I could only stumble out of bed to barely eat a Marie Calendar Frozen Turkey dinner. Thanksgiving Day 2007 they released me from the hospital after being diagnosed with inoperable cancer and with an ostomy (talk about depressing). I'll be damned if I am going to celebrate another Thanksgiving in the hospital or recovering from more surgical indignities. I have scheduled my surgery for Nov. 30th. That way I can have a good Thanksgiving and should be better by Christmas.


  1. Good idea!!!! any plans for this Thanksgiving??

  2. Hi Margaret! I came across this blog site just now. Sorry I hadn't kept in touch and I didn't know about your continuing battle this year.... Congratuations to your daughter - nice photos! Be strong, my friend!! I'll be in touch more often!! -Hana
