Sunday, November 15, 2009

First horseback ride in 8 months

I decided that I am well enough to ride Monique even though my back and neck have been so sore. This morning I got up early, put on my riding gear and went out to the barn. They didn't have a mounting block so I used a big rock to help me get on to my tall mare. I put my leg up on the rock to hoist myself up and almost fell over. I didn't realize that my leg wasn't strong enough to pull up my weight. Then I put my foot in the stirrup and lifted my right leg over the horse. Just as I did that Monique stepped forward and I almost fell off. This lack of balance and strength was surprising to me and completely unexpected. We started off down the trail. I was expecting my old horse that is so sensitive and tuned into my aids. This was not the case and it was like riding a strange horse. Monique has been used as a lesson horse for the last year. Many different people ride her with many different riding abilities. A good safe lesson horse has to be able to handle many different styles of riding and the many different ways people ask her perform. I guess it is like giving your pet dog to someone else for a year. Then after having no contact for a year expecting your dog to be tuned into your commands and to respond to you.

My friend Kim has really helped me financially by taking care of Monique and I am so grateful. Monique loves her new job as a lesson horse and is teaching many people young and old to ride. I didn't realize that I would loose her in this process. It no longer feels like she is my horse and It makes me long for the way things used to be.


  1. When you get better and can ride her more it'll come back...same with your balance and strength. Remember the first time I tried to get on a horse after back surgery when we saw Capote's father?? I nearly fell on the ground and had to have someone hoist me into the saddle. I am glad you got to ride!!!

  2. Ahhh, I know what you mean when you say you long for the way things use to be! But Mo is still here and as soon as you are able to be with her she is going to come gushing back to you with more love than ever imagined! She is just experimenting right now, it's her away from home college time, lol. <3
