Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am done wallowing

I have been wallowing in self pity for the first part of this week. I have been having a lot of body pain, tiredness and looked up the side affects of a drug I have to take for he next 5 years (Femara). Because I had an hormone receptor positive breast tumor, I am supposed to take Femara which prevents my body from making estrogen. The side effects and percentages experiencing them are as follows: bone pain 69%, muscle pain 69%, lethargy 58% and extreme temp regulation problems 89%. Apparently this generation of drugs has less side affects that Tamoxifan which they used to use (that must have been awful). I can't imagine having to take this FREAKIN DRUG for 5 years!!!! I hope these oncologists know what they are doing. I feel like by the time I stop taking the drug I will be too old to have any fun. I really thought this decade of my life was going to be great and so far it has been Really Really CRAPPY. So I have been in my bed wallowing for the last two days.

Today I am officially done wallowing. I got out of bed and took the dogs to the beach and walked in the sun and soaked up the ocean air. I thanked God for all the blessings that I have been given and will once again focus on the positive and not the negative.


  1. Geez - I think you should let yourself wallow if you want. That is a really tough thing to experience - low to no estrogen. Torture is the word that comes to my mind.

  2. Margaret, I admire how you tell it like it is! And can still strive for how you want it to be. Have you read Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir Eat, Pray, Love - One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia? You would love it. Best wishes to you now, and over the next five years, and beyond.
