Saturday, November 14, 2009

Changing what I put into my body

I have had a horribly painful stiff neck for the last 3 months. It is so bad that I can't turn my head and my shoulders and upper back sometime spasm with pain. I decided i needed to see a chiropractor and one was recommended by a friend I trust. What I didn't realize was this woman is a holistic practitioner and approaches patients with not only manipulation, but nutritional supplements, homeopathy and healthful foods. I have always thought these kind of people are a little be crazy and have never liked extreme diets. However since my 2nd cancer diagnosis in 2007, I have had a terrible diet. It consist mostly of lots of coke (12 cans per day), candy, beef, rice and potatoes. My ostomy has prevented me from eating fruits and vegetables and anything with fiber. Mostly I don't like to eat and would be happy just drinking cokes all day. I would not recommend that someone eat the way I do.

This Doctor said that I had to get off the diet cokes and get rid of the sugar. So for the last week and 1/2, I have been drinking 3 quarts a day (1 Qt. for each 50 lbs of body weight). No artificial sweeteners are allowed so I am allowed to use RAW Organic honey and Agave syrup. My sugar frosted flakes have been replaced with regular corn flakes. Next come the organic dairy, beef and poultry. My first inclination is to dismiss this as the thinking of a bunch of wackos.and go back to drowning my sorrows in many many cokes.. But then I reflect upon the fact that I have had 3 very serious cancers in 5 years. I don't seem to be doing a very good job of keeping myself cancer free, I guess it can't hurt to try something different and makes some sense. At this point, I don't have much to loose. I just have to try not to get annoyed with people trying to make food as indedeible as possible.


  1. I am SO glad to hear you are doing this. If you need recommendations for recipes let me know. I would also recommend that you rent Food Inc immediately and watch it. You will never want to eat anything other than organic when it comes to meats ever again. Its an eye opening look at the food industry and has even changed Mike's outlook on what he puts in his body. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

  2. Good for you Margaret! Changing a diet is so very difficult, but once you establish new routines and it all becomes a habit, you'll find your taste will change dramatically, and you'll start to crave the healthy foods and water and the old foods and coke won't appeal to you nearly as much. Once your habits have changed, you'll have much momentum to keep going forward with your new diet. I ALWAYS LOVE YOUR HONESTY!!!
