Sunday, August 2, 2009

Third dog....PLEASE!!!!!

I am feeling quite a bit better and had the energy to take Fergus and Wiley to the local dog park. It is a really mellow environment. The humans can sit on picnic benches under big old oak trees and the doggies frolic with each other in the grass. Fergus zeroed in a little dog to bark at incesently to try and make him run so that they could play "chase". Most little dogs and their owners get extremely intimidated by this behavior so many times Fergus ends up back on his leash for a"time out". This little guy named Augie was completely fearless. He would tolorate a little bit of Fergus nonsense and then bear his teeth and lunge at Fergus repeatedly until Fergus backed off. I was talking with Augie's owner and it ended up that Augie was being fostered by this woman who had found him as a stray. She had taken him to the vet got him neurtered up to date on his shots and now he was available for adoption. I was completely smitten..he has the cutest little face. I was having visions of watching TV with Augie curled up on my lap, sleeping next to me in bed.

Now the hard do I convince Derek that we should get a 3rd dog when Derek didn't even want 2 dogs. I carefully put together my argument. Wiley is getting older and why not get a replacement dog now so it won't be so traumatic when her time comes. Augie is young and would give Fergus a playmate (Wiley is getting too old to play). Augie is small and won't eat a lot. I have always wanted a lap dog and this guy has big dog personality in a lapdog size. My Birthday is coming up and you won't have to shop for a present. And if all that fails, I could go for the pitty ploy. I have CANCER and this would make me so happy and help to make this time go faster.

Well I tried all of the above and nothing worked. I am still going to try working on Derek but I don't think a Augie is going to be a part of our family.