Thursday, August 27, 2009

My son Rich will be visiting for the weekend

Rich will be flying in tomorrow mid afternoon. I was hoping his girlfriend Ally could join us but she starts school on Monday and it doesn't look like it will work out. I am feeling better than the beginning of the week. The only thing I have done this week is drive to radiation and back. Richard just had his 27th birthday so we need to go out and celebrate. I am also hoping that he will want to see the movie "Inglorious Bastards".....I am not sure if he likes Q. Tarantino movies.

It was 84 degrees when I left the house at 9:00 AM this morning. It is so hot and humid outside that I have been afraid to have the dog walker walk the dogs. Wily is older and very sensitive to the heat. Fergus is jet black and will simply collapse and refuse to go on if he gets too hot on his walks. I don't want the dog walker to have stroke trying to cary 120 lbs. of Fergus back home.
Hopefully our air conditioning will be installed and functional by the end of the day.

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