Monday, August 3, 2009

lots of medical stuff this week

Today I saw Dr. Hodgins my radiation oncologist to get set up for my radiation schedule. They made the form (that holds me in place) and did my three tatoos ( to align me with the laser on the instrument). Dr. Hodgins will then create the program the instrument will use to radiate my breast for the next 7 weeks.
Tomorrow morning I have a PET scan to look for any reoccurance of my anal cancer. Tomorrow afternoon they hook me up to an IV to infuse me with iron because I am so anemic. Wed. I have an appointment with my psychotherapist that deals with cancer patients. I have no medical stuff on Thu. Friday I am seeing my colorectal surgeon for a sigmoidoscopy to figure out why I am having some "issues" up there. My colorectal surgeon has his exam room set up for maximum discomfort and maximum humiliation. I always leave that place in tears feeling like I have been violated. Can't wait until the week is over!!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear you have to deal with such awful things my dear Margaret.
