Monday, August 17, 2009


Ever since I can remember, I have experienced vivid dreams at night. As a small child, these were often nightmares. I don't think my poor parents got a continuous nights sleep until I was well into elementary school. Most nights I remember my dreams and always entertain Derek with my latest night time adventures and exapades. I observed an interesting phenomena with this last round of chemotherapy. The entire time I was going through chemotherapy I didn't dream. The first two times I went through chemotherapy (2004 and 2007), I was so ill and so drugged up with narcotics that I don't have much recolection of the chemo experience let alone if I dreamed or not.

I have just started to dream again the last week or so. I am so happy to know that my dream life is back. I think because my life is kind of boring right now, I make up for that with very exciting, weird, night time adventures. The scientist in me wonders what is it about this particular chemotherapy drug that makes dreaming go away. I wonder if all people experience this or just me.

Has anyone else heard of this phenomena?


  1. This is interesting...I am going to look into it and see if there are any psychology papers on this phenomena...

  2. So interesting... :) We talked about this a few days ago.. I'm so glad your dreams are back! YAY for DREAMS!!! ((((HUGS))))

  3. Wonder if you didn't have dreams or if the drugs interferred with your ability to recall the dreams when you woke up. Can't remember if I dreamt or not.
