Sunday, May 17, 2009

Surgery tomorrow

Dr. Hyde my surgeon (and new best friend) is going to do surgery tomorrow morning to install what is called a metaport into my body. For the uninitiated, chemotherapy drugs are so toxic that they have to make sure none of the drugs touch your skin. These drugs also destroy small veins so they can't do a regular IV. So they thread a catheter from my chest into the juglar vein and down into my superior or is it inferior venacava (main vein in the body). They install a port that is accessed by chemo nurses that is under the skin. They are doing this on the left side since I already have a scar from the one they installed 18 months ago on the right side.

Normally I would have this done by a radiaologist but Dr. Hyde volunteered to do it. He is all about NO PAIN which I love. He is going to give me a general anesthetic. Last time I was awake but sedated and it wasn't pleasant. There is something about Dr. Hyde which makes me feel to confident and relaxed. I remember that this thing hurt a lot the first week until things stretch out. It feels like you have a big hose in your neck and you can see the outline of the catheter.....GROSS!!!!

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