Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Catching up

My dear friends and family you have all faithfully followed my previous blog that documented my battle with round two of cancer. Unfortunately I am once again dealing with this crappy disease. After being on disability for a over a year, I had gone back to work at Accelrys in Jan of this year. I was offered a great job managing a group of great people. I loved my new job and was really happy to be back at work and trying to regain a "normal" life.

I had my 6 month PET scan and they found a mass in my breast. It turned out to be cancer and I had a partial mastectomy in April. They had caught it early and were hoping that they would only have to do surgery followed by radiation. Well as my luck would have it, it ended up to be an aggressive form of cancer and I had to make the decision to do Chemotherapy or not. If I didn't do chemo my odds of a recurrence are 30%. If I did do chemotherapy, my odds of a recurrence are 8%. Well that is pretty easy math to do.......Bring on the Chemo.

But if that weren't enough, I had two major bowel obstructions right after my mastectomy. It was decided to do exploratory surgery to see why this was happening before I started chemo. Long story short and minus a gall bladder plus some other tweaks of my existing ostomy, I am 1 week post op and trying to get better quick before chemo starts next Tue.

For those of you that are not caught up on the latest.....this must seem unbelievable!!!! I am really struggling emotionally. I do a lot of crying. But I also do a lot of laughing. I am trying to be positive but I have been really shaken by this turn of events. I will do my best to faithfully write in my blog so all of you can root for me, cry with me and laugh with me as I take care of this Son of a Bitch once and for all.

P.S. This picture was taken 2 weeks after my partial mastectomy and 2 days before my gall bladder removal. My friend Kim dressed my horse Monique up in pink for breast cancer awareness. I think the photo is great...don't you????

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