Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Crapola

Spent 1/2 day at the hospital today. I had an Xray of my pelvis and it showed no obstruction. Still having pain and discomfort. Scheduled for CT Scan tomorrow morning. Should have the results by mid morning. This is very depressing. More reminders of the frailty of my body. My spirit is strong just not my body. I keep hoping I will never face another of these bowel obstructions ....yet they continue to happen. I can't seem to control when or why. I try to be so careful about what I eat. I hope I will not have to admitted to the hospital.


  1. Dear Margaret, So very sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you are not in the hospital, but resting comfortably at home. We will keep you in our prayers tonight, as we do every night. Love and hugs...

  2. Hang in there Margaret, I'm thinking of you and hoping you are better soon!
