Sunday, July 11, 2010

Feeling a bit better

CT Scan showed no bowel obstruction even though I am having the same symptoms of a bowel obstruction. My surgeon has a couple of ideas and I will meet with next week. It has been almost a week and I am still in bed and so weak. I just started eating "real" food today. It has been almost a week since I have eaten more than a couple of bites. I see my oncologist tomorrow and of course he will jump to the conclusion of cancer. The CT scan only shows large tumors but wouldn't pick up small ones. Of course, it would have to be a large tumor to be causing an obstruction. It happens every 10 to 12 weeks like clock work. If it was something I was eating, it wouldn't be so cyclic. Derek and I our at our wits end with this problem. According to many ostomy support websites, it is an ongoing painful problem with many of us who live with ostomies. Others live with this. I guess I will learn to as well.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and healing thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. The cyclic thing is weird and doesn't sound like it's food related. Do the other ostomy people get it cyclically too? None of them have any solutions?
