Saturday, July 3, 2010

A door closes

I received a call this weekend from my employer Accelrys that I am to be officially laid off. Accelrys has recently purchased another company and everyone knew there were going to be lay offs come the merger. I have been on disability for the last 15 months but have harbored the hope that one day I would be well enough to return to work. Accelrys/Scitiegic have been so good to me the entire time I have worked for them. Of all the companies I have worked for, this one is my favorite. I will always hold a special place in my heart for all the good people that have worked for and continue to work for Accelrys. I am not ashamed to admit that I broke down and cried when I was taking on the phone to our VP of HR. These were tears of sadness that this stupid illness has robbed me of one more thing that I value and treasure. But the reality is that I am not ready to go back to work. Mentally there is nothing more I want, but my body is not cooperating. It is taking a very long time for me to recover from the surgeries, radiation and chemo. I am confident that I will recover but I can't control when this will happen. I do know that God is looking out for me. He has closed the door. Because if the door were opened again, I would jump through the threshold with both feet and wear myself out trying to be the person I used to be.


  1. Oh Margaret - I wish I had some words of wisdom for this, but all I have is comfort: there's another door out there that is the right one.

    And lots of virtual hugs!!!

    Julie (Martin)

  2. Margaret, I am so sorry. I know how much your job meant to you and also how much you enjoyed working there. Lets hope and trust that something else will open up for you when you are more physically ready. And don't forget, this means you will have more time for your new grandson!
