Thursday, July 15, 2010

Horrible Dream

I had checked into a hotel room with my dogs. The room was rambling with many rooms and was disjointed. One of the rooms looked out into a horse corral. I could see a pony mare with her foal and a little girl caring for them. I spent most of the time in my hotel rooms but then decided to go out for swim. There was no one around so I took off my robe and jumped into the pool naked. As soon as I did that the area filled with people from my former company. I was horrified. I swam to the side of the pool and a woman handed me my robe. I put on the robe but my glasses were fogged up so I couldn't see very well. I stumbled back to my hotel room. I went inside and was greeted by my dogs. I was looking for food to feed them , when a man walks into my room. I said this is my room there must be some mistake. He said no I have a key they must have inadvertently given me and my friend your room. We walked around my rooms and then I noticed all his luggage and boxes of paperwork and realized he must have already been in my room. I wasn't worried about it and thought that he and I would go to the front desk and straighten things out. We were making small talk and I knelt down next to Wiley to stroke her fur. I looked up at the man and he pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at us. There was a loud bang and at first I thought he had shot Wiley because there was blood on my arm that was around her neck. Then I realized that he had shot me. I couldn't believe this was happening. I am thinking you see these things on the news all the time and now I am going to be victim. I looked up at him and he was still pointing the gun at me watching to see what would happen. I thought he is going to shoot me again. Then I started to feel the life fading out of me. I felt my vision constrict and a rush like I was leaving my body. I thought I am going to die. I can't believe I am going to die!!! Then I woke up.

The dying part felt so real. I was incredulous when I woke up and found that it was just a dream.


  1. Hi Margaret, I have had the exact same feeling in a dream where I was shot in the chest by some mad man. I literally thought I had died...I woke up gasping for air but I remember feeling a rush like too. It is the oddest feeling. It sounds like a fear dream to me, how terrible. I hope you have better dreams tonight!!!!

  2. Wow...ok, I take it back about your dreams being so wonderful...vivid, yes, but NOT all wonderful...that is amazing how vivid it all was...and that you remembered so much detail! So glad you had a dream about your Mom to overshadow THIS one...
