Sunday, May 2, 2010

recovering just fine

My oral surgeon called me yesterday to see how I was doing. I said I was doing great. He said "Really?" "Aren't you in pain?" I replied that I was fine. He then proceeded to ask me a series if questions about swelling, bleeding, numbness...etc. I said again that I am doing fine. He almost seemed disappointed or at the very least mystified. He gave me his phone number is case anything changed. I thanked him for his call and concern and we hung up.

It occurred to me that my idea of pain and healthy people's idea of pain are probably very different. I have been through some truly excruciating painful and humiliating treatments and procedures. Perhaps my pain threshold has been raised by all of these experiences. I guess that is a good thing


  1. You are, in fact, nothing less then amazing to have gone through all of that....

  2. Whoa Maggie!

    Don't let yourself fall into the same trap I did - be sure you're really keeping the pain under control, because it is very easy to say "Oh, that amount of pain is normal." But really, *no* pain should be normal.

    I left you vm, give me a call when you can.

    Love, Julie

    p.s. I don't seem to be able to leave a comment as anything but anonymous, even though it acts like it's connecting to my Wordpress ID. Weird, huh?

  3. I'm very glad you it went this smoothly for you.
