Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I am BACK!!!

Sorry for not posting the last week or so. My brother and I planned a surprise visit with my Dad. He knew my brother and sister-in-law were coming for a visit. What he didn't know was that I would be joining them. Barbara was in on the surprise and even though I almost blew it several times talking to Dad on the phone....the surprise was a success!! We had a lovely time in Sedona and then my brother, Bonnie and I drove from Sedona to San Jose where I attended a friend of mine's wedding last Sat. Then I spent the next few days hanging out with my kids and spending time with Richard and Bonnie. It was a wonderful trip!!! I was happy to get home to Derek and the "hounds from hell" but I already miss everyone. Attached are some pics of the family and of Jen and David's wedding.


  1. How awesome that you got a great road trip! I can't imagine how happy your Dad was to have you there...and we were thrilled that you were able to come to our wedding...and can't wait to see you again in June when you return! Hugs!

  2. How nice for all this good time with family and friends. Glad to hear it, and it's special when those surprises work out. Always nice to see the photos and see you and your family again.
