Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sorry I have not posted

I forget that when I don't post anything on my blog for awhile everyone worries about me. I feel like I am in a time warp and I don't realize that an entire week has gone by. Plus I spend most of my time in bed. It is difficult to find anything to write about when it feels to me like everyday is the same as the next.

Today my "big excitement" is taking both dogs to the vet. They have been neglected in their vaccinations and such for the last two years and I realized that I need to get them caught up. Wily is no problem at the vet. Fergus is another matter...... He wants to visit all the dogs, cats and new people. He is clumsy, large and strong and has the ability to get a whole room worked up to his level of excitement. As any one knows who works with dogs or isn't about muscling them to do what you want. It is all about using your body language to let them know what you want. Usually I am pretty good at this. It will be interesting to see if I can project the "alpha' when I feel like the 110 lb weakling.

Another interesting bit of information to share. I saw my therapist yesterday and she told me that the San Diego Breast Cancer support group will not allow anyone to attend that has metastasis of their breast cancer. The reason is that it will make the other cancer patients scared. It this the most messed up thing you have every heard???? These poor women who have metastatic cancer have no support group. Because of this my therapist created her own support group for any woman with Metastatic cancer. Good Job Dr. Sherman!!!

Is anyone else shocked by this?


  1. That's pretty messed up for sure. I am glad that she had the foresight to start a group for women with metastasis. Although honestly I think that having someone like you at any cancer support group would be a total asset just because you look so healthy. Ohhhh Fergus at the vet...I can only imagine what fun that will be...

  2. Yes, very messed up...reminds me of when my parents divorced in 1967 and my mother was no longer welcome in the church since she was a single would be too threatening to the other about messed up!! Good for your therapist for 'getting it'...
