Friday, July 17, 2009

Amy arrives today

Amy is flying in from San Jose at 11:30 AM today. She will be staying with me until Tues AM when I go for the final chemo. I am feeling pretty tired but I am looking forward to seeing her and talking about the wedding. We are going to go to a couple of bridle stores to try on dresses just to get a feel for what looks good and what feels good. I am trying to talk her out of making her wedding dress. I think it is too much work with having the wedding at their home and doing most of the preparation herself.

BTW: Remind me never to take two 100 pound dogs to the vet when I am going through cancer treatment. I must be INSANE!!! By the time I got both dogs into the exam room I was ready to pass out. Of course Fergus had to be the biggest BUTT HEAD ever. I was ready to give him away to the first person who would take him. Problem is no one seems to want a shedding, slobbering, hyperactive 110 pound dog......hmmm I wonder why???

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