Monday, July 20, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Yesterday is was 97 degrees on our back patio with 75% humidity. We don't have air conditioning in our home. When we bought our home, we were told that San Diego climate is so mild you don't need airconditioning. I wish we hadn't listened as the summer can be miserable (for California weather). Amy and I decided the best way to beat the heat was to go to a movie. We went to see the "chick Flick" The Proposal. It was a very light hearted fun movie and made me and Amy want to go to Alaska.

Today we are sitting in front of fans trying to keep cool. I am making some cookies as a way to thank Kathy, Pam and Vicki ( my oncology nurses) who take such good care of me. I will bring them with me when I go to chemo tomorrow. Having Amy here has been great because it takes my mind off of the fact that I have to get sick one more time.

Once the cookies are baked we are going to head for some retail therapy in some nice air conditioned stores

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