Friday, May 28, 2010

Dream Interpretation

My friend sent my dream to her sister who is a therapist and an amazing dream interpreter. My friend did not tell her that I had the dream because her sister knows my situation and she didn't want to prejudice her interpretation. Here is her read on the dream:

She is navigating some difficult issues in her life. There are things she wants or needs to talk about but cannot. She is confused and disoriented and has lost her way. The only comfort and safety is found with her former friend who is now deceased. The "warm conference room" indicates safety in a place where she can talk, without fear.

This is such a "RIGHT ON" interpretation. My friend is sending my dream to another therapist to get his read and I will post his response as well.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My dreams are the same lately

I am getting weirded out by my dreams. They are always a variation on the same theme. I am trying to do some task and I can't see very well, I am stumbling and weaving and often there is something very thick in my mouth that makes if difficult for me to speak. I try my best to rub my eyes and to step carefully and pull this "stuff" out of my mouth. It ends up just getting worse and worse until I finally wake up in frustration.

Last night I dreamt that I was meeting my best girlfriend from childhood (Randie). We were meeting in Chicago. I was trying to get my boarding passes, get through the airport and to the hotel. I was not able to see very well, and I was wearing pajama bottoms with no shoes and was having a difficult time walking. I get to the hotel and I am out in the parking lot stumbling around in the snow and it is nighttime. I can't see very well and my feet are freezing. Then I see Randie walking across the parking lot. I am so happy to see her and we hug each other. She takes my arm and leads me to a warm conference room in the hotel. There is so much to say because we haven't seen each other for 9 years. We are talking and enjoying each other and then I realize this can't be real.....Randie died 9 years ago. I say "Randie you are dead why are you here?" She just looked at me with really sad eyes and then I woke up.

I need my friend Pinkie to interpret this dream......or maybe I don't want to know the interpretation

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Miss Ally and Mikey

I couldn't resist posting this engagement photo of Allyson and Mike. They are such a perfect couple!!!! Now comes the hard part....planning the wedding. I don't envy them at all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I am BACK!!!

Sorry for not posting the last week or so. My brother and I planned a surprise visit with my Dad. He knew my brother and sister-in-law were coming for a visit. What he didn't know was that I would be joining them. Barbara was in on the surprise and even though I almost blew it several times talking to Dad on the phone....the surprise was a success!! We had a lovely time in Sedona and then my brother, Bonnie and I drove from Sedona to San Jose where I attended a friend of mine's wedding last Sat. Then I spent the next few days hanging out with my kids and spending time with Richard and Bonnie. It was a wonderful trip!!! I was happy to get home to Derek and the "hounds from hell" but I already miss everyone. Attached are some pics of the family and of Jen and David's wedding.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day "fun"

I was feeling pretty tired today but wanted to do something fun for Mother's Day with my doggy children. I decided to go on a short hike with the dogs. Wiley's idea of a good time is looking for dead stuff to either eat or roll in. Many times I have had to play tug of war with a rotting carcass trying to prevent her from eating it. I am always scanning the trails for snakes and dead things to make sure the dogs don't get involved. Wiley is feeling extra chipper now that she is on her Cushings Meds. I released her lead and she takes off like shot down a steep brush covered hill and into a canyon. I see her from a distance rolling around over and over on the ground. I knew she had found her dead thing. I was praying she would just roll in it and not eat it. Finally she comes running back up the mountain with a big smile on her face. Not only is she covered in rotting flesh but she is covered in small burrs the size of a the head of a pin. I held my nose and took her back down the trail and loaded (yes loaded) her into my SUV. I got her home and tried to figure out how to approach this problem. I can't bathe her until I get the burrs out of her coat. But the burrs are coated with decaying goey stuff. So I tried the "Furby", followed by a dog brush. Then Derek came out and started laughing at the situation. He suggested a shedding blade. He went to work trying to get as many burrs out of her coat as possible. Then I took over. Finally an hour later the dog was partially de-burred and bathed. There are still many burrs to pulled out but at least she doesn't smell bad.

......and I like hiking with my dogs why?????????

Is this not the cutest thing ever????

Here is little Rene showing off her first place ribbon on Miss Mo. Aren't they the cutest pair? This is their first show together. Rene weighs all of about 50 lbs and is being taken care of by a 1200 pound animal. If a horse could smile.....Mo would have a big grin in this picture.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Gifts of Wisdom and compassion

You never know when you are going to get some little pearls of wisdom. I had been wallowing the last two weeks in what I can only describe as lack of any motivation to do anything. I really just wanted to stay in bed 24 hours a day. I have been dealing with some legal papers and have gotten to know the local notary who is an East Indian woman with the most beautiful countenance. I pulled myself out of bed to go get the last of my papers notarized. We started to talk about life, health, children & husbands. She had the most amazing wisdom about these topics. In a very humble way, she told me that I can come visit her anytime and she would be happy to listen to me.

My friend Carrie has introduced me via Internet, blogging and phone to the most amazing woman who is also a 3 time cancer survivor. Unfortunately she lives far from San Diego so we have never met in person. She is currently undergoing some very difficult treatment for the cancer. Yet......she calls ME to see how I am doing after getting an email from me that indicated I needed some comforting. She talked to me for 45 minutes and as a cancer survivor she understands how this can really suck and how you behave weird sometimes and don't behave "what used to be your normal". Here she is a few days after chemo calling me to comfort me.

I am humbled by their goodness......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

recovering just fine

My oral surgeon called me yesterday to see how I was doing. I said I was doing great. He said "Really?" "Aren't you in pain?" I replied that I was fine. He then proceeded to ask me a series if questions about swelling, bleeding, numbness...etc. I said again that I am doing fine. He almost seemed disappointed or at the very least mystified. He gave me his phone number is case anything changed. I thanked him for his call and concern and we hung up.

It occurred to me that my idea of pain and healthy people's idea of pain are probably very different. I have been through some truly excruciating painful and humiliating treatments and procedures. Perhaps my pain threshold has been raised by all of these experiences. I guess that is a good thing