Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monique has a new owner

My dear horse Miss Mo has chosen a new person. It has been happening gradually over the last year and a 1/2. It became clear to me that she was no longer my horse back in Nov. when I went on a short trail ride before having my surgery. She gave me a weird vibe that she wasn't really interested in being ridden by me anymore. Many of you may know that my friend Kim has taken care of Mo during the time that I have been sick. Kim has given Mo a new job that Mo loves and excels at. She teaches Kim's young students to ride. She is so careful with the little ones and never takes a wrong step. It is so amazing to see these 50 lb kids riding around on a 1100 lb babysitter. It is a heart warming site.

So today I signed Mo's registration papers over to Kim. She was so touched that she shed a few tears. I had already shed my tears in private. We hugged each other tight knowing what a special equine soul we have shared and how happy the 3 of us found each other. I have known in the bottom of my heart that someday Mo would end up with Kim. Kim offers Mo a forever home with constant attention and love. What more could anyone ask for.

Derek is happy we are now a One Horse Family :-)

Pic of Kim an Mo last summer (Derek and I on the sidelines watching).

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for the kiddos and that you recognized this was for the best. I'm sorry for how hard this loss is for you though. Sounds like you'll still get to see Miss Mo, hopefully that will help?
