Wednesday, March 31, 2010

fell off my horse today

I got a little too confident with my "new" gelding. I decided to join 2 friends for a short trail ride. I figured that Capote's testosterone level was non-existent since his gelding 6 weeks ago. I did question the fact that one of the horses was a mare but decided to just treat him like a gelding and not worry about it. BIG MISTAKE!!. We had not been on the trail but a few seconds when Capote decided to show off and stand on his hind legs. It happened so quickly. I made the mistake of pulling back on the reins rather than pulling his head to one side to get his front legs back on the ground. It felt like he was going to fall on top of me so I baled off the side and landed in some tall soft grass (thank you Lord). I quickly got up and caught him as he was face to face with the mare (better than his face to her butt as he might get "ideas"). I got back on and finished the trail ride. My two friends were really shook up as the last thing they wanted to see was for me to get hurt. I am sure my surgeon is going to think I am insane when I come limping into his office tomorrow and have to admit I fell off my horse.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Had my battery of tests

Yesterday I had my mammogram, ultrasound and breast MRI. I started at 7:30 AM and was done by 11:30AM. It is amazing how desensitized you can become to all these medical procedures. Last year when I had my breast MRI, I was freaking out because of the claustraphobia of being face down in a tube. This time, I spent the time praying for my sister in law's (Bonnie) mother Joy. Joy has just been diagnosed a second time with cancer. We are all very concerned for her. Thinking about another person made the MRI so much easier to bear.

I will know the results next Thu. when I see the doctor.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Amy left today....

My dear daughter left to go back home today. We had a very wonderful relaxing time together. I always enjoy cooking for people so I tried to make her all favorite foods. Today we celebrated and went to Jakes in Del Mar (Amy's favorite place) and we had lots of good food. I had the waitress take this picture of the two of us.

It is hard to believe that the next time Amy comes for a visit she will have a little one in tow. Life continues to change. Gone are the days when she could spend a leisurely week or two with me and we could stay up late and sleep in. I know it will be worth it to be a Grandma but I will miss these times.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Hair color

Here are some before and after pictures after getting my "chemo colored" hair done yesterday. Amy's comment was "For the first time in 2.5 years you look healthy". This color is very close to hair color I was born with. I am very happy with the results.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Amy hadn't made her requisite trip to the barn since she arrived. It was a beautiful day today. The hills are green and the wild flowers are in bloom so she was anxious to drive to Ramona. I was anxious to show her the new barn to introduce her to the mini horses and 18 hand Percheron gelding named Thunder. Here are pictures with Amy and little Bean juxtaposition with the largest horse at the barn. Amy agrees with me that she needs to get one of the mini horses. She thought they were so cute.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More medical CRAP!!!

I had an appointment with my surgeon today. He told me that I need to have mamogram, ultrasound and MRI to make sure the breast cancer has not come back. I said, I just had a PET, rectal biopsies and they said everything was fine. He said that PET doesn't pick up early onset breast cancer and that rectal biopsies have no relationship to getting a breast cancer recurrance.

I left there feeling so defeated. I thought I was done with all this least for the next 6 months. Now I have to have more tests and then wait for the results. I feel like this is never going to end. I expressed my frustration to Amy and she is so sweet. She knows just to listen and be sympathetic and let me vent. She is a good friend as well as a great daughter.

I am feeling upset!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Capote has recovered from his surgery

Marion sent me a picture of Capote taken on Saturday. It looks like he has completely recovered from his neutering. If you look closely, you can see that he is missing his two "friends" and the swelling is almost gone. I hope his testosterone levels are dropping rapidly and he is thinking only of eating and sleeping instead of mating with anything on 4 legs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

VIP at the Del Mar Dressage Affaire

My friend Ann hosted me as a VIP at the Del Mar Park for a very exciting Dressage Event. Guenter Seidel (Olympic Dressage rider) rode Trinity. This is a horse that was purchased from my former trainer Bettina Loy. She was a proud "horse Mama" watching her former horse doing Intermediate I and getting first place. We sat in a VIP booth and had special earphones where we could hear commentary on each rider. It was so interesting hearing all the big time riders getting criticized as well as praised. We all ate good food and drank Champagne and wine inside the barn (because the weather was so chilly). I had such a good time!! I have attached a picture of me already to go (See Dad I am wearing my Jacket!); one of our barn picnic and of Ann's horse wanting to join the party.

Thanks Ann for a wonderful time!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

It is a boy!!!

Amy is visiting for 2 weeks. She got her ultra sound results and the baby is Boy! I knew it was going to be a boy!!! I met him in my dream right after their marriage. He was so cute and lovable. I can't wait to meet him in person. Ray and Amy had picked out a girl name but are still arguing about a boy name.

Amy and I spent the day at "Baby's R Us" registering for all sorts of Baby Stuff. There are so many cool items for a baby. She registered for this high tech baby swing that has all sorts of bells and whistles. There are multiple types of strollers, walkers, car seats and some things I have never heard of. We spent 3 hours and still need to go back to register for more stuff. I hope it will all fit in Ray and Amy's tiny house.

When Amy arrived on Wed., she said she hadn't felt the baby move. She started to feel movement yesterday and now the baby has been moving a lot. Her Doctor has moved her due date from Aug. 6th to July 28th. I have attached a picture of Amy with her little "baby bump".

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Back from Sedona, AZ

I had a wonderful time in Sedona with my dear father and my dear stepmother. My parents have made some wonderful friends during the 10 years they have lived there. Their circle of friends have supported my Dad and have been praying for my recovery the last 2 1/2 years. Many of them I had never met. Barbara hosted a dinner so that I could all meet these kind people. They are of different faiths (Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Religions). The commonality is that they were all praying for my healing. What a blessing to me and my family. They were very pleased to see that their prayers had worked and I was able to let them know how much I appreciated their spiritual efforts on my behalf.

We feasted and drank to their love and friendship. It was a magical evening. I have posted some pictures.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Going on a vacation

I am leaving tomorrow to visit my Dad and StepMom in Sedona, AZ for an entire week. I haven't been to visit them in 2.5 years. The last time I was there was a month before I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. Sedona is a beautiful place and my parents have a very nice home that has a great view of the famous Red Rocks. I have my own suite with a piano that they recently tuned so that I may practice. I have a lot to celebrate and am so happy that I still have my Dad. It is going to be a great time.