Friday, October 2, 2009

Good New/Bad news

The good news is that the last 3 days I have been feeling so much better. I can get out of my bed and do stuff like walk one dog (short distance) cook and bake. Today I drove out to the barn to watch a saddle fitting clinic that was quite educational. I snuggled with my mare and talked to my stallion (mostly about not biting me) which he did only once today.
The bad news is that I am quite sure I am going to need more surgery. I have been having some problems with my ostomy that have been disoncerting. I talked with the surgeon a few months ago and he dismissed my problem as "normal". I am seeing him next Tue. and was trying to get a strategy in place so that he would really hear to me. My strategy was to see the hospital ostomy nurse and see what she thought of the problem. If she thought my issue was normal then I would learn to live with the problem. If she agreed there was a problem, then she would go to the surgeon on my behalf. The surgeon and the ostomy nurse have a good relationship. After observing my ostomy, she agreed that I have a problem and one she had never seen before..... OH LOVELY!!!
She is going to go with me to my appointment on Tue. and advocate for my cause. It is a shame it takes so much work to get the medical care I need but that is the reality of being sick. I also want to add that this particular surgeon is a really nice guy and really compentant surgeon....I have just had some bad luck. I am glad I feel well enough to take care of things. I don't even want to think about more surgery....perhaps there will be another way.

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