Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Facing More Surgery

I saw my surgeon today and unfortunately I was right. This problem is going to have to be corrected surgically. The exam was really nerve wracking. Just when you think you have endured every conceivable exam in every conceivable orafice....they come up with new indignities. I won't go into detail, but even the nurse looked at me afterward and said "EEEWWW". The surgeon said he had never seen anything like this before (and he looks to be about 60 yrs old). He apologized and said he was sorry this has happened. I showed him my blood work and he agreed I did not have enough of an immune system and was too anemic to endure surgery right now. He told me to go enjoy my daughter's wedding and then meet with him when I come back. They will look at my blood work and decide when to do surgery. I am so numb to this whole thing. I don't even feel anything right now. He is unsure if he can do the repair via laparascopy or will have to open me up.

Thank God for my 30 mg of Lexapro/day. Even though I know this should really bother me....it keeps me from getting depressed and keeps me from crying my eyes out.


  1. You are one of the strongest people I know, I admire you!

  2. Margaret, I'm so sorry you have had to suffer with such things. My very best wishes.
