Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't have much to talk about..

I have been exhausted for the last 4 days. I couldn't get out of bed most of the weekend. I forced myself to get out of bed today and worked on getting some stuff together to give to the disabled veterans when they come on Wed. It is nice that the weather has changed. I like the coolness and grey skies. I am looking forward to some rain tomorrow evening. There is nothing better than listening to the rain on the roof and smelling the moist air. I talked to Amy over the weekend and she has her wedding dress almost done. She seems very relaxed and confident that the wedding plans are going very smoothly. The only wild card is the weather. The wedding will be outside so we are hoping for nice blue skies. She is looking forward to my coming up to San Jose. I will fly up 3 days before the wedding. My brother Rich and his wife Bonnie will be taking those 3 days off so we can all help her with last minute details. All the family is looking forward to this event!

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