Friday, October 1, 2010

Wanna see the cutest baby ever born???

Look at my Grandson!!! Look at the dimples!!! Look at the slightly red hair???? I can't wait to hug this little guy. His poor Mama Amy has to have gall bladder surgery on Monday the 4th. I guess pregnancy can cause your gall bladder to malfunction. She has been having constant gall bladder attacks since the birth. She can only eat very very bland food. Like the rest of us Amy likes to eat so she is anxious to be back to normal.


  1. What a cutie! I bet he smells good too - nothing like that new baby smell. And when they smile back at you, its heaven. Oh Grandma Margaret, you will have so much fun!

  2. Sorry that Amy has to have surgery...hope it's a quick's arthroscopic, right? And hope you get to see the baby again soon!!!!
