Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was in pain and very afraid last night. I prayed (from my heart not from my head) and this is the message that was sent to me very clearly. The message was "Believe". I need to believe that I am healed and that I am fine. The life lessons continue even though I want to stop and take a break. I do believe there is a purpose to what I have gone through. I need to let go of the past and embrace the future what ever that holds. It takes a lot of faith and trust to embrace the unknown. I loved my life before I got sick. But I couldn't go back to that life even if I was physically able. The very core of who I am has changed too much. My Dad and I talked about this (a lot) when he was staying with me. I think I was petulant and angry when he kept suggesting the future will be better than the past. I try so hard to hold onto what is familiar rather than move forward towards the unknown. I have thought of myself as person who embraces change. I guess I don't mind change in my external environment but I am very resistant to reprogramming myself from the inside.


  1. Wow Margaret, I am right there with you with re these thoughts and point of view. It is understanding and meeting faith in its truest form and it can be so comforting and yet so scary. I hope to visit with you soon. :)

  2. RE: "I guess I don't mind change in my external environment but I am very resistant to reprogramming myself from the inside." Margaret, you are in such good company there! External changes are easy; it is the internal ones that are so difficult and scary. But I know so many people who say that these physically life-altering events lead to emotional and spiritual life changes that I have to believe it is true.
