Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I survived "Rectal Man"

I highly recommend general anesthesia should you ever require multiple biopsies of your sigmoid colon. They carefully prepped me and then I spent some time with my very nice anesthesiologist (which I remembered from other surgeries). He gave me some "feel good juice" in my IV and then we laughed and talked as I drifted off to a peaceful sleep. When I awoke, I was in recovery and Derek whisked me home to my bed where I slept off the drugs.

Now that I am awake, there is a lot of pain and bleeding (YUCK!!!). He says if I bleed more than 2 Tbsp. to come to the emergency room. How the hell do you measure blood coming out of your nether parts?? Do you stick a measuring spoon down there??? I am just going to take some more drugs and hope when I awake the bleeding will have ceased.

Sorry to be so graphic.....but it is the reality of what I am dealing with.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, I can't get over doctors. Do they even think about the patient's point of view? For a woman, how about - "If you bleed more than you would on your worst day when you had your period" or something. Some of them are just so disconnected from reality. I know this was a while ago, so hopefully all the pain is gone now.
