Friday, February 5, 2010

Having a bad week.

I woke up Monday morning feeling so great!!! I was ready to go back to work, ride my stallion and hike up a mountain (all in one day). Then the medical onslaught began. Tuesday I saw the surgeon who did "indignities" (that shall not be named). I ate a wonderful orange that morning and Tue afternoon I started to get a bowel obstruction. After 6 hours of intense pain and vomiting, the orange rind finally made it through the tortuous route that has become my bowels. Note to self: "Don't eat oranges no matter how good they smell". I spent all day in bed Wed. recovering from said obstruction still having pain on and off. Thursday I was feeling a bit better and was able to eat a small amount of food.

Then Friday came. Friday is the day I have an appointment with my most favorite doctor of all....THE RECTAL GUY! Derek came with me to hold my hand and for moral support. This guy tries to make bad jokes while your ass is in the air and he has a scope up your butt. He keeps asking "Does this hurt?" and then he keeps asking "What is making it hurt?". I said through clenched teeth....THE SCOPE 8 INCHES UP MY BUTT IS HURTING YOU IDIOT (OK I didn't add the idiot part in case he got mad). As he is scoping me, he is giving Derek a blow by blow description on a big screen TV that is broadcasting the inside of my ass. Just when you think it can't get always can. He then decides the time is right to do some biopsies. Of course he doesn't warn me at all. I feel an intense pain and try to launch myself off the table. Then he tries it again....BASTARD!!! At this point, I am DONE. "We" decide that he needs to do my rectal biopsies and further ( Deeper) exploration of my butt under some sort of sedation or anesthesia. No shit Sherlock!!

I am done now and feel much better

1 comment:

  1. Holey @*%$!!! You are very good at vivid descriptions that accurately convey just how horrible that was! (although I'm sure it was much worse than I can imagine)

    Sorry you had a tough week...

    Idea for Mom would 'de--skin' oranges to put in our holiday citrus's time consuming but would get rid of the pesky skin...and still give you a yummy treat...not sure how soon you want to encounter an orange again, but it might work! (let me know if you want a tip for how to do it)

