Monday, September 14, 2009

Very very tired....

I have received several comments that I look pretty weary in the picture taken with my brother. My brother had mentioned that I had seemed to have shrunk. I really noticed it in pictures. I think part of the reason is that I usually wear high heels and haven't worn then at all since I have been sick. Plus I think I have gotten thinner and lost a lot of muscle tone.

I was in bed most of the weekend except to welcome my sister in law and her friends that stopped by for a visit Sun. afternoon. It was great to see Aunt Linda. She lives in San Jose and we realized that we hadn't seen each other in 4 years. Linda and Fergus really bonded. Linda loves big dogs so she was in doggy heaven for the afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing all the extended family when Amy and Ray get married next month.

1 comment:

  1. More Starbucks strawberry shakes!!!! I have been MIA due to company in town...hope you start feeling better soon and we'll have to talk soon!
