Sunday, September 20, 2009

5 more days of radiation

I am counting down the days. I am feeling very sick and have had trouble doing anything. My eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out....weird timing. The hair on my head is growing back. I don't understand why my eyebrows and lashes are falling out now? I am feeling depressed and can't seem to shake the feeling. You would think I would feel happy that this is almost over. It seems like all the fears are starting to rise again. I wake up each morning and can't wait for night time so that I can sleep again. I was supposed to get a blood test last week but just didn't feel like getting stuck with a needle again. I am so done with all of this. I hope this depression will lift soon.


  1. I am praying for you, Margaret, and think of you daily. I am sorry that you feel so lousy. Your honesty in your blog is very inspirational. -Nancy

  2. Hello dear,

    Was wondering how you were doing....never fear- my Momma's eyelashes and eyebrows took a hike a few months after she finished her chemo too! But they grew back!

    I was thinking about you all weekend. I finished a book called the Hearts of Horses, which I think you will love once you are ready to read again. Hang in there! Thinking of you every day!!!!
