Friday, September 11, 2009

Feeling exhausted but happy

Richard and Bonnie left this morning. I am really going to miss them. I had so much fun.... but true to form I overdid it. I am completely exhausted but extremely happy. I have posted a couple of pictures I took of Richard trying out Paragliding at the Para Glider port in La Jolla. We stopped by on our way home from radiation and it looked like so much fun Richard decided to try it out. I promised him when I get better I am going to try it as well. It looked like a blast. Check out the sunset behind Richard and me.....looks like Hawaii but it is San Diego.

Also my friend from N. Calif (Nancy) stopped by today. It was so great to see her. Even though we hadn't talked for a year it felt like it had just been yesterday. She is a really good dressage rider. She has been taking clinics with Lisa Wilcox (an Olympic rider) and has a beautiful Hanoverian gelding named Danik. Hopefully I will be able to meet her new horse and see her ride when I am up for Amy's wedding in Oct.


  1. Wow...Richard is a daredevil...I'm so impressed that he did the paragliding! Did he do it with a co-pilot I hope?! Wow! And, yes, that WOULD be a way to celebrate kicking butt on cancer to go out and fly! Cool!

  2. So glad to hear about the good visits with Richard, Bonnie, and Richard, and of course I'm so glad no brain cancer. Very glad to hear how happy you are feeling. Hello to Richard, Bonnie and Richard!

    I now have five women friends all near our age diagnosed with cancer in the last five years. You are all dealing with so much, including the chemo brain. There has been so much progress made in cancer treatment in these last five years, and the next five years will surely bring much more. You are right to be optimistic.

    The photos are beautiful, and so are you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the images.
