Monday, September 28, 2009

Radiation is over!!

I had my last radiation treatment on Friday. Now I just need to recover. My Dad and Step Mom left on Sunday. It was so good to see them and they really cheered me up. Barbara cooked for us every night (except Sat.). It was great to eat her wonderful food which included lots of beef to try and get my red blood cell count up. Sat. night Derek took all of us out to dinner to celebrate the last day of radiation. We had a really nice time and I ate a big prime rib with a hot fudge Sunday for dessert. Dad and Barbara were glad to see that my appetite had really increased and I was eating a lot more than last time they were here. I have posted some pictures we took before we went out on Sat. night.

Monday, September 21, 2009

My blood work

Thanks everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement. I can't tell you how much they mean to me. I had my blood work done this morning and now I know why I feel like crap. I am walking around with no red or white blood cells. I see my doctor tomorrow and he will probably arrange for an injection of white and red blood cell stimulating stuff. My dear Dad and StepMom called and they are going to drive out from Sedona to cheer me up and take care of me. No matter how old you are, it is great to still have your parents. I am so blessed. I have got to concentrate on the wonderful people in my life and not on my various aches and pains.

Amy and Ray's wedding Invitation

I wanted to post something happy! Amy did her wedding invitations on her Mac with paper from Target. The biggest expense was the stamps. I am so impressed with her ability to put together a really nice wedding on a budget. I know this wedding invitation didn't scan very well. I hope you all can see the wording. It is very personal to the both of them.

I am very proud of her.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

5 more days of radiation

I am counting down the days. I am feeling very sick and have had trouble doing anything. My eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out....weird timing. The hair on my head is growing back. I don't understand why my eyebrows and lashes are falling out now? I am feeling depressed and can't seem to shake the feeling. You would think I would feel happy that this is almost over. It seems like all the fears are starting to rise again. I wake up each morning and can't wait for night time so that I can sleep again. I was supposed to get a blood test last week but just didn't feel like getting stuck with a needle again. I am so done with all of this. I hope this depression will lift soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Very very tired....

I have received several comments that I look pretty weary in the picture taken with my brother. My brother had mentioned that I had seemed to have shrunk. I really noticed it in pictures. I think part of the reason is that I usually wear high heels and haven't worn then at all since I have been sick. Plus I think I have gotten thinner and lost a lot of muscle tone.

I was in bed most of the weekend except to welcome my sister in law and her friends that stopped by for a visit Sun. afternoon. It was great to see Aunt Linda. She lives in San Jose and we realized that we hadn't seen each other in 4 years. Linda and Fergus really bonded. Linda loves big dogs so she was in doggy heaven for the afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing all the extended family when Amy and Ray get married next month.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Feeling exhausted but happy

Richard and Bonnie left this morning. I am really going to miss them. I had so much fun.... but true to form I overdid it. I am completely exhausted but extremely happy. I have posted a couple of pictures I took of Richard trying out Paragliding at the Para Glider port in La Jolla. We stopped by on our way home from radiation and it looked like so much fun Richard decided to try it out. I promised him when I get better I am going to try it as well. It looked like a blast. Check out the sunset behind Richard and me.....looks like Hawaii but it is San Diego.

Also my friend from N. Calif (Nancy) stopped by today. It was so great to see her. Even though we hadn't talked for a year it felt like it had just been yesterday. She is a really good dressage rider. She has been taking clinics with Lisa Wilcox (an Olympic rider) and has a beautiful Hanoverian gelding named Danik. Hopefully I will be able to meet her new horse and see her ride when I am up for Amy's wedding in Oct.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bonnie and Richard are visiting!!

My brother and his wife have been visiting since Mon. evening. I haven't seem them in almost a year. I can't believe how much I have missed them. We have been talking none stop. Their visit has coincided with me feeling pretty good. They drive me to radiation each day and I have been having so much fun. I have attached a picture I took of them today when we were having a soda in Rancho Santa Fe.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I don't have brain cancer brain cancer!!! I was pretty sure I didn't have more cancer...but you never know. My scientist friend Ally called me today and she did some research on chemobrain. It is a real phenomena. She said the Mayo clinic had some good information and she was going to forward some scientific papers. She said the brain cells will regenerate. You can help that along by doing mental exercises like crossword puzzles, video games (YUCK) and other mind stimulating activities. I have felt to poorly lately that I can't even concentrate on reading. I think I will start playing the piano again. Before I got sick in 2007, I was taking weekly lessons and was playing some really difficult Chopin pieces. I haven't touched the piano in almost 2 years. I will start by sitting down at the piano for 10 minutes 3 times per day. That shouldn't be too taxing physically.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brain Scan today

I wasn't going to mention that I was having a brain scan. I like to try and be positive on my blog and didn't want to cause needless worry. Then I realized that part of the reason for this blog is to be honest and describe the realities of dealing with multiple bouts of cancer.

I had mentioned to my radiation oncologist that I was experiencing what I thought was a lot of cognitive dysfunction. I thought he would just say "that's normal and probably is caused by the chemo". But instead he said we had better do a brain scan right away to make sure that you don't have any brain involvement. The next day I told him that I didn't want to do a scan and that I was sick of being scanned. He said do you not want to do the scan because you don't want the information or because you are scared. I said because I am scared. So my brain scan was scheduled for this morning.

It involved having gadolinium (sp?) injected into your system. Then they put your head in a cage and then put your caged head and torso in a tube. It is quite unpleasant and claustrophobic. Luckily it only lasts for about 20 minutes. I should know the results before the weekend.

I am trying not to be too worried.