Monday, August 2, 2010

potential diagnosis: Diversionary colitis

Saw GI guy today. I need to have endoscopy and colonoscopy to confirm the results. This has been scheduled for Thu 8/13 at 7:30. He seemed to have an idea right away as to what might be going on. I am not supposed to refer to these things I am having as "bowel obstructions" anymore. I am not sure what I am supposed to call them but he made it clear that was the wrong term. Also the mucous hole in my ostomy is called a mucous fistula so I must use that correct term as well. (BASTARD) I hate everyone right now. Derek thought he was a nice guy which is high praise for Big D (who thinks most people are stupid)

On the bright side, he does have an idea what might be going on and there is a treatment if this is the case. I need to cut the guy some slack and be grateful that he isn't just patting me on the head and sending me away like most doctors have done. I am just a very crabby crabby person right now.


  1. YES!!!!!! I am so does this mean your theory you told me about was right?? I am glad SOMEONE wants to try to figure out what's wrong! Excellent. I would be crabby too if someone just told me I needed more least he's got you on the right path!!!!!!!!

  2. Diversion Colitis an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Sounds right to me. Keep pushing. And use whatever words he wants as long as he works to get you better.
