Sunday, August 22, 2010

Please Please Pray for Julie and Brian

My friend Julie is in the last stages of her round III battle w/cancer. I have never met Julie in person. We have only emailed, blogged and talked on the phone. She is one of those people that are admired, loved and looked up to. She is smart, funny, interesting, compassionate and slighting irreverent (my favorite). She is wonderful writer and her blog is very honest, witty, smart and heart breaking. She is the type of person that even when going through chemo she would call me to cheer me up when I was down. She loves her husband deeply and has a deep love for her dear dog and cat. She had gone through a very bad depression and decided to start taking some antidepressants. She emailed me about a month or so ago saying she was feeling so much better and would call me right after her chemotherapy dose. I didn't hear from her but I sent her a few emails to let her know I was thinking of her. Her dear husband Brian has been writing in her blog. Here is his most recent paragraph that just breaks me up:

You’re probably wondering what Julie has for a life expectancy. Dr. M prefaced his answer to that question by saying that studies have shown doctors are the very worst at making these predictions. Given that, he said he thought we had numerous weeks to a handful of months. Maybe he’s right, maybe not. We could lose her today, or six months from now she could be doing so well that I’d need to go to the DMV to renew the handicapped parking tag I got last week. But probably not. I’m notoriously pessimistic about these kinds of things, but I suspect I’ll be celebrating Christmas alone. And now I cry.


1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to Julie and Brian and all of her friends and loved's so hard to hear news like that...we can only hope they can make the most of the time they have knowing each moment is a gift...
