Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today...feeling much better

Today is Sat. and I am feeling much better physically and mentally. My friend Ally came over this morning. She just got back from vacation in New England and brought lots of pictures to show me. Coincidentally she has been looking at wedding dresses in anticipation of getting engaged to her boyfriend Mike. She helped me look at wedding dress websites and we found a really good one and picked out a few dresses we thought Amy might like. Amy has been planning on making her wedding dress. I am worried that it will be too much work with her doing most of the wedding herself plus her other responsibilities. I am not sure if she will like what we picked out but it is a start. Amy and perhaps her fiance Ray are coming down to visit me at the end of next week before round 4 of chemo. We are going to spend a day trying on wedding dresses to see what styles she likes. It will be so fun....I can't wait!!!!


  1. How exiting! I hope you can find a nice dress for Amy... I'm really glad you are feeling better.. Today I rode Mo bareback in the bitless bridle all around the equestrian center and on the short loop. She told me to tell you that she misses you! I gave her a carrot for you... :)


  2. So glad you are feeling the cloud lift from the rugged past weeks...I know it seemed like it never would...but you did it!! :o) Thanks for sharing your therapist's sound thoughts about how to reframe thinking...I do something similar when I find myself in the 'fear' place about money or other's amazing the power of the mind!
    Here's to another good day today! Hugs!
