Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Amy....

Amy left today and I am going to miss her. We had a wonderful time together. Because I always get nervous before my chemo treatment, Amy and I decided to do a "movie marathon" last night and to stay up all night if possible. I only made it until 1:30 AM but then I went right to sleep. I slept through the entire chemo treatment which took less time than normal (Not sure why). The nurses all loved the cookies I made and I think they were happy to be appreciated.

I am posting some random pictures of some hats that Amy has made for my bald head. They are really cute. We also bought some scarfs to experiment with to try to create some exotic head pieces. Speaking of Wedding dresses, I have my Mom's wedding dress from the mid 1940s. Now that Amy is looking at wedding dresses she was very anxious to see her beloved Grandma's dress. I wanted to have Amy holding the wedding dress in the picture but she said she would have to get make up on and do her hair before posing for a blog picture.....so I held the wedding dress. One thing about having cancer.....you aren't expected to look that good.


  1. Great hats - yeahhhh, Amy! Margaret, I'm so glad you and Amy have been there for each other this week, helping each other out, while you do chemo and she prepares for her wedding. I've been thinking of you a lot. Love, Maureen

  2. I LOVE the hats!!! Very cute, your daughter is talented. I could never do that. :)

  3. These are the greatest hats! And I love that dress! How cool!
