Saturday, October 9, 2010


My MacBook Pro laptop stopped working yesterday. Today I decided to call their tech support line to see if I/they could fix it. I was on the phone for quite a while with a friendly woman who was helping me find my warranty info (apparently I had never registered it). This involved getting another Apple guy on the line and having Derek find the invoice etc. Here is the interesting part: I had mentioned Derek had bought my Mac for my birthday 2 years ago. She said, I wish my husband would buy me a laptop. I thought a moment and then I said, well the reason he bought me such a lavish gift was because I was recovering from cancer treatment. She was quiet for a moment and then said, I am a cancer survivor too. She then added that she was a 3 X cancer survivor. I said ME TOO!!! After we were done with the support call I asked her the circumstances.

She said at 21 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. That same year she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had some sort of radiation treatment for ovarian cancer and had surgery/chemotherapy for the brain tumor. 3 days after surgery she told them she was going home and didn't want anything more to do with doctors. She was told she would never be able to have children. Then at 24, she became pregnant. Her daughter was born 9 months later. After the birth, the doctors discovered her ovarian cancer had returned and she had to have a hysterectomy/ovarectomy. That was 11 years ago. She says she hasn't set foot in a doctor's office since. She has a perfect,beautiful 11 year old daughter. She says after the 3rd diagnosis, she decided to change her life. She put her trust in God and started using alternative therapies. Acupuncture, herbs. etc. Her last words were, I can tell by your voice you are going to be just fine.

Does anyone think that this is a coincidence? I don't. I believe God was speaking to me through this woman.


  1. I love this story! Thanks for writing it out.
    Love those words he sends, "you are going to be just fine."

  2. Synchronicities are definitely God's/the universe's message and our job is to listen...good job for listening!!!!
