Saturday, June 19, 2010

Old friends and happy days

My friend Kathy has come to visit for the weekend. We have been friends for 33 years. We have been through marriages, divorces, birth of children, and the deaths of our beloved mothers. It is great knowing someone that has seen you grow up and "mature". One of our bonds, is our love of horses and the outdoors. Today we celebrated our friendship by going on a trail ride. In typical Margaret and Kathy fashion, we went up and down steep trails and made our own trails through the rugged brush. The only difference: in the "old days" we would have done that at a full gallop. Yes age brings fears as well as shall we say wisdom??

Here is a picture of the two of us setting out on our ride. I am riding my new favorite horse in the barn (a wonderful equine soul named Blue).


  1. ohhh he's so pretty! And look at Mo flirting with him!!!haha

  2. I suggested to Kim that his show name be Blue Moon.... after the song. :)
