Monday, June 14, 2010

Borrowed from my friend Julie's blog

Mayo Clinic debunks the cancer myth that:
a positive attitude is all you need to beat cancer.
Although many popular books on cancer talk about fighters and optimists, there’s no scientific proof that a positive attitude gives you an advantage in cancer treatment or improves your chance of being cured.
What a positive attitude can do is improve the quality of your life during cancer treatment and beyond. You may be more likely to stay active, maintain ties to family and friends, and continue social activities. In turn, this may enhance your feeling of well-being and help you find the strength to deal with your cancer. A positive attitude may also help you become a more informed and active partner with your doctor during cancer treatment.

This statement makes me feel happy and vindicated. I get so sick of feeling like I have to say positive things to make sure the cancer doesn't come back. That is a load of CRAP!!! I say this is the most positive way possible :-)

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